After reading the major works of Byron I went back and read Don Juan again as the most enjoyable and memorable of his works. I haven’t yet read any of the critiques or analyzed the meter and pronunciation of “Don Juan” as “don jew-on”. I do admire Byron’s vocabulary and had quite a few words or concepts to write down.
And here they are.
18, Falchions
20. “Malus animus”
20. tertian – Fever
20. Numa Pompilus
26. mulct – Penalty
27. “Armidas fairy art”
39. levee – “reception held by a person of distinction on rising from bed”
42. Myrmidon – loyal follower who executes orders unquestioningly follows orders.
42. Achates?
44. “with Maudlin Clarence in his Malmsey butt” – George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence (21 October 1449 – 18 February 1478) He was later convicted of treason against his brother, Edward IV, and was executed (allegedly by being drowned in a butt of Malmsey wine). He appears as a character in William Shakespeare‘s plays Henry VI, Part 3 and Richard III, in which his death is attributed to the machinations of Richard.
50. Vade Mecum – ” a handbook or guide that is kept constantly at hand for consultation. “
52. “Non ego hoc ferrum calida jurenta Consule Planco” – Horace
52. Brenta
52. peruke-wig
52. chymic
55. the Venetian Fazzoli
56. By Babel’s Waters, still remembering Sion
57. quincy
61. inanition
90. “the liver is the lazeret of bile”
91. uxorious – submissive to a wife
103. jelicks
103. beracan
105. “Vates irritabilis”
106. Chanson (French)
110. Ariosto
110. “longeurs”
110. Bathos
111. Boccaccio
111. Dryden
111. Onesti
112. Hesperus
113. Lethe, Thetis (Styx)
115. Hymen’s torch
122. Sweet Naias of the Phlegethontic rill
129. Romagnole
132. Cerulean
138. Blackleg
141 caique – skiff on Bosphorus
141. bowers
145 Queen Semiramis
146. Candiote
146. refection – taking food and drink
147. Whilk
156. distaff
156. dowager
158. 207. Hotspur
162 giaour
163. Jacob Behmen
163. Manichaen
166. Athanasius
171. Guebres
171. Giaours
171. Ginns
171. Gouls
183. Seraglio – Harem. Palace of a sultan
183. “Jack Ketch”
186. The fortress is Ismail and is placed on the Danube’s left branch and left bank
186 Vauban
201 toises
210 Elysium
230 lykanthropy
232 kiloitka
232. parior
232. Ceres
234 Cairn
234. Gorme
235. seraphim
Through the then unpaved stars to the turnpike road
A thing to counter balance human woes:
with all kinds of mechanics, and full soon
Steam-engines will conduct him to the moon
252. lphigene
254. postillion