Places To Visit

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General Awesome Site:

Bars and Tapas in Barcelona

Xampanyet C. Montcada 22 (Cava)

Quarte Gats Pl. Montsio 3

Jamboree Pl Reial

Casa Almirall C. Joaquim Costa 33 (Absiente)



Barcelona: Via sepulcral romana

A geocache at a Roman site:

South of Barcelona:  Tarragona Amphitheatre

Madrid: The Prado

Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights.  Enough said.

Museo Arqueológico Nacional




Empúries Roman Settlement

Ampurias –


Madrid: Royal Palace


Segovia: Aqueduct and Castle

Amazing Roman aqueduct. Also excellent castle.

There is a tour.  And another tour.


Cardona: Salt Mountain and Castle

Magic salt rock (From Salt book introduction)

 Here are some good pictures.  But how do I get there?